As Muses & ART is no longer active, we will not be accepting any new projects, memberships or donations in 2025.
Thank you all for your support over the past six years!
– To make an online payment by credit card, please fill out the following form provided by the encrypted and secure french payment platform Hello Asso :
NB : When paying online via HelloAsso, you are offered to make a donation to the Hello Asso payment platform but this is optional. All you have to do is indicate your choice before validating the payment.
Pour faire un don par carte bancaire via la plateforme de paiement sécurisé Hello Asso (chiffrement SSL), cliquez sur le lien suivant (la page sécurisée s’ouvrira dans un nouvel onglet/fenêtre):
– Or download : Bulletin de dons ©Muses & A.R.T.
- Payment of the contribution(s) will be made by cash or by check to the order of “Muses & A.R.T.”
- Download the Donation Form in french by clicking on the link above, print it and return it with your payment to the following address:
Muses & A.R.T.
23 bis rue Longefer
69008 Lyon